Experiences with the NCD course in Empowering Leadership

Hildegunn Håbrekke, kvadrat

Hildegunn Håbrekke, pastor in Norkirken Trondheim

«The course in Empowering Leadership has helped me to truly stop and reflect in my everyday life, reflect on my own leadership, and not least receive feedback from those I lead on how they perceive me as a leader, and what strengths and weaknesses they see in me. I have been asked many good questions that have led to aha moments, new insights, and increased awareness of what will be important in the service moving forward. I have gained both motivation and tools to take steps to continue growing and developing. The course has also inspired me to work so that those around me will experience even greater growth and development in their lives and service. I highly recommend the course – it has been both inspiring, encouraging, and developmental!»
Elisabeth Dørdal, kvadrat

Elisabeth Dørdal, youth leader (Acta) in Agder

«I am so grateful for the course in Empowering Leadership. It has been both inspiring and, not least, useful in my journey to become a more empowering leader. The teaching has provided me with great tools on how I can contribute to helping others become good leaders. I have especially appreciated the tasks I was given, which were simple and achievable and gave me a sense of accomplishment. I see that this is positive not only for me but also for those I lead, so it benefits everyone.
I highly recommend the course!»
Iren Løberg Gilde, kvadrat

Iren Løberg Gilde, youth leader (Acta) in Trøndelag

«This course has helped give me greater confidence and boldness as a leader, and I dare even more to be clear. I have encountered teaching that reinforces the leadership I already have, but also gives me an aha moment, where I can improve the results through simple actions. This has included the idea that leadership is about relationships and the concept of allowing mistakes, but not making the same mistake multiple times. I have also experienced that this course has created stronger bonds with the other Acta leaders. This has spread to the entire Acta leadership team. We now have a good openness, where we support, cheer, and learn from each other.»
Kathy Celi Venås, kvadratr

Kathy Venås Celi, youth leader (Acta) in Møre

«Empowering leadership is two words that, through the course, have helped me become more aware of the importance of both empowering and leading simultaneously, and that both aspects are equally important if we are to disciple new leaders.»
Karethe3, kvadrat

Karethe Fletcher Stormark, psychologist in Stavanger

«The course has been extremely valuable to me in my development as a leader. It has helped me identify my strengths and how I can use them as a leader. Being able to see the 'gold' in my employees and facilitate their growth and development is an approach to leadership that has excited me. Before I started the course, I was unsure if I had what it takes to be a good leader. After completing the course and receiving guidance, I have found a new confidence in myself and discovered that the principles of empowering leadership have had a positive impact in the company I work for.»
Reza, kvardrat2

Amir Reza Ali Mohammadi, Christian Fellowship Oslo

«What I like most about this course is how practical it is. It has helped me think more broadly in my leadership and provided me with tools that I use in my everyday life as a leader. I have also gained greater insight into where I am strong and where I can grow as a leader. Through coaching sessions, I have been challenged and encouraged to address areas in my leadership that I either hadn't noticed before or found difficult to do something about.»
Mozhgan Krogh-Rad, kvadrat

Mozhgan Krogh-Rad, immigrant adviser in Oslo Metropolis freechurch

«A fantastic course that I especially recommend for those of you who have reached a point where you have little motivation and inspiration in your service. What was particularly decisive for me were the six change talk sessions I had with my wonderful coach. She brought up visions and dreams that had been buried deep inside me. She cheered me on and guided me to become bolder and gain more confidence in my service. The course has inspired me and gave me the joy to continue working and serving God and people.»
Helge Bratsberg, kvardrat

Helge Bratsberg, pastor in Norkirken Drammen

«Very practical course with content that I could relate to my job as a pastor and leader. Skilled course leaders. After completing the course, I have gained a new awareness and motivation to empower volunteers in our church.»
Bjørn Roger Stien, kvadrat

Bjørn Roger Stien, pastor in Namsos freechurch

«For a long time, I have felt that God's calling to be a pastor and leader is not just about exercising my leadership role, but just as much about following the Great Commission. To make disciples! Leaders who empowers new leaders. Pastors who empowers new pastors. The course in Empowering Leadership has given me valuable insight into how I can best develop as a leader who raises up new leaders! And to see that progress in God's kingdom is not about me alone, but more about how I am able to empower new leaders.»
Hilde Brevik Grytten 2, kvardrat

Hilde Brevik Grytten, Salvation Army Bergen

«This leadership course has changed my perspective on leadership, from focusing on what I myself achieve to how I can bring out the gold that resides in those I am called to lead. With Jesus as the ultimate leadership role model. I now view myself as a leader in a new light and have seen how closely faith and lived life are connected. The coaching sessions have helped me identify my own challenges and see how and in which direction I want to continue developing.»
Runar Gjertsen2, kvadrat

Runar Gjertsen, principal Bergen Bibel School

«For me, the course in Empowering Leadership has primarily been a long-awaited opportunity for reflection and strengthening of my own leadership. Regularly being able to talk with others about my leadership has been a privilege. I am left as a better leader—more aware, more accountable, and more empowered. I have become a better listener, guide, and companion. I cannot recommend this course enough to others.»
Jorun Godø, kvadrat

Jorun Godø, pastor in Pentacostal Church Ålesund

«I needed to further develop myself as a leader and signed up for the course in Empowering Leadership. Here, I got to know myself better, and I have gained greater confidence in things I was previously uncertain about. The Empowerment Test was an eye-opener for me. It was amazing to see where my strengths lie and where I have greater potential to develop further. The spiritual change talk sessions have helped me see what can be unlocked and how. I have also learned a lot about how to be a good conversation partner. I highly recommend it.»
Runar Liodden, kvadrat

Runar Liodden, priest and youth leader in Modum

«The course in Empowering Leadership exceeded my expectations. Through literature, group teaching, and individual mentoring sessions, I was given the opportunity to get to know myself better and develop further as a leader and as a Christian. This life-oriented course has provided me with crucial perspectives on service and empowered me with tools to continue growing, and most importantly: to empower new leaders.»
Kjartan Ørnes, kvardrat

Kjartan Ørnes, pastor Christian Fellowship in Oslo

«The NCD course in Empowering Leadership is highly recommended. Through teaching and literature, good reflection discussions, and development conversations, I have become much more aware of how I lead and how I am perceived as a leader. The leadership test has provided me with concrete feedback that I can address and work on. This has been enlightening both for me personally and in the church work I lead.»


Kristin Stordal, kvadrat

Kristin Stordal, specialist consultant Salvation Army

«The course in Empowering Leadership gave me enriching new perspectives and a new understanding of leadership. It is not about typical traits or talents. Instead, the focus is on the effect I, as a leader, have on people, and how I can mature and develop through that realization. The course provided exciting tools to analyze and develop myself as a leader. I greatly appreciated the dialogue around experiences with the many wonderful participants and the monthly spiritual change talk sessions with deep reflections.»
Inge Morten Paulsen, kvadrat

Inge Morten Paulsen, CEO Alpha Norway

«The course in Empowering Leadership has helped put words to how I lead and how it can be perceived by those I work with. I have always been focused on empowering others, so it has been great to discover how that can happen while simultaneously further developing my own leadership.»
Roar Flacke, kvadrat

Roar Flacké, community developer Normisjon Rogaland

«This leadership course has given me the opportunity to work systematically with crucial topics within leadership. I have become more aware of the strengths and weaknesses in my leadership, and it has provided a fruitful framework for how I can develop.»


Kjetil Stautland, kvadrat

Kjetil Stautland, CEO Lyngmo Youth Center

«The course has given me a different understanding of leadership and the importance of passing on knowledge and responsibility to others! It was helpful for me to take the course with others outside of my usual circle. It was good to get some new perspectives on practicing leadership. The course inspired me to look for potential leaders! The changes talk sessions were an important part of the package to understand the results of my own test. And I was challenged on what those results meant for me.»