The 3 Colors of Your Gifts (sales to national partners)


The 3 Colors of Your Gifts – newest edition (2017)

  • Christian A. Schwarz
  • ISBN 978-0-9987021-0-0
  • NCD Discipleship Resources – NCD America
  • 460 000 copies sold
  • This updated and revised edition includes free tolkens for online eTests.
  • USD 14,95 (60% discount for national partners)


Would you like to use Your spiritual gifts to their full potential?

Priviously published as The 3 Colors of Ministry, the book has become a worldwide benchmark for discovering and developing spiritual gifts. It is based on the three dimensions of God’s nature, for which the Author has chosen the colors green, red, and blue. It is the only book that demonstrates how to use spiritual gifts in an authentically trinitarian way, and where you most need to focus your engergies in order to bring more fruitfullness to your ministry.

Using this tool, more than half a million people have discovered their spiritual gifts. Apart from the Three-Color Gift Test, which has become standard for gift discovery worldwide, the book includes a second popular assessment tool: The “Change Compass” shows every believer which of 6 biblical figures comes closest to their own spiritual starting point: Thomas, Martha, Mary, Moses, Peter, or Jonah. Integrating the process of gift discovery into the “three-color paradigm” of NCD, it is guaranteed that the use of spiritual gifts will result in personal growth of the members and an increase in the spiritual balance of the church.

Your 3 main benefits:

  1. Unlock the potential in yourself and others
  2. Maximize your fruitfulness
  3. Build gift-based ministry in your church



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